Kitchens are not required to have a motorized exhaust system. However, if the system exists or there is evidence of prior installation, it should be cited as an issue. The exhaust fan should be inspected to determine the following:

  • Is the system ducted to the outside? Only ducted exhausting systems are to be inspected. This standard does not include any kitchen ceiling fans, ductless recirculating range
    hoods, or microwave-based fans that only circulate air and offer no ventilation to the outside.
  • Are all of the elements of the range fan present and intact? This includes the filter, vent, duct, and fan components.
  • Is the vent providing proper ventilation and suction?
  • Is the range hood filter obstructed with grease or dirt, preventing proper ventilation?
  • Does the range hood exhaust fan and light operate engage when turned on?
Def# Deficiency Severity Repair Due HCV Rating
1 Exhaust system does not respond to the control switch Moderate 30 Days Fail
2 Exhaust system has restricted airflow Moderate 30 Days Fail
3 Exhaust system component is damaged or missing Moderate 30 Days Fail

Ventilation Standard V3.0, Updated 6/16/23
Ventilation Standard V3.0, Updated 8/11/23

Revision: 9
Last modified: 15 August 2023


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