Sinks are inspected to determine if the faucet and other hardware operate as intended. This includes evaluating how the sink is installed, attached to the wall or vanity, and whether it is properly mounted. An inspection of a sink includes a review of the following:

Sink Mounting and Security

  • Is the sink properly mounted to the wall or a vanity cabinet?
  • Are there signs of the sink pulling away from the wall?
  • Is there a presence of a gap between the sink and the wall?
  • Is there a movement of the sink when activating the faucet?
  • Is the front edge of the sink leaning downward?
  • If the sink is mounted on a vanity, are there signs of separation at the seams of the vanity?
  • If the sink is mounted on a vanity, are there signs that the vanity is pulling away from the wall?

Sink Functionality and Damage

  • Can the sink properly hold water?
  • Activate the stopper, fill the basin, and then look at the sink to see if the water level is decreasing.
    If so, check under the sink for cracks, holes, or broken seals that allow water to leak from the basin.
  • Check that the stopper maintains a complete seal with the drain.
  • If the sink design has no built-in mechanical stopper, or if no other stopper is available, look for obvious indications (e.g., cracks, holes, or broken seals) that the sink would be unable to hold water was a stopper available.
Def# Deficiency Severity Repair Due HCV Rating
1 Unit Sink or sink component is damaged or missing (affects functionality) Moderate 30 Days Fail
1 Common Area Sink or sink component is damaged or missing (affects functionality) Low 60 Days Pass
2 Water is directed outside of the basin Low 60 Days Pass
3 Sink is clogged/not draining Moderate 30 Days Fail
4 Sink is improperly installed, leaning, or pulling away from wall Moderate 30 Days Fail
4 There are gaps between the sink and wall Moderate 30 Days Fail
5 Sink or sink component is damaged or missing (Minor) Low 60 Days Pass
5 Sink stopper missing or inoperable Low 60 Days Pass
6 Control knobs do not activate or deactivate hot and cold water Moderate 30 Days Fail

Sink Standard V3.0, Updated 6/16/23
Sink Standard V3.0, Updated 8/11/23

Revision: 14
Last modified: 15 August 2023


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