This standard relates to a system that utilizes a large tube to carry refuse to a centralized waste container. For this inspection, three elements are inspected. First, the chute door, typically located in a hallway or closet, must have a self-closing device that automatically closes the door and latches it shut. Secondly, the chute door must open if the system is still active. The inspector should try to turn the knob, fully open the door, and then let the door close with the automatic closing device. Lastly, the trash chute cannot be obstructed or overflowed. If the inspector were to find the trash chute with large amounts of garbage flowing out of the door(s) or preventing trash from falling to the appropriate trash container, it should be cited as a deficiency.

Def# Deficiency Severity Repair Due HCV Rating
1 Chute door does not open Moderate 30 Days Fail
1 Chute door does not self-close and latch Moderate 30 Days Fail
2 Trash is overflowing or backed up inside the chute Moderate 30 Days Fail

Trash Chute Standard V3.0 Updated 6/16/23

Revision: 13
Last modified: 27 November 2023


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