Ceilings enclose a room, protect shaft or circulation space, create an enclosure of and separation between spaces, and control the diffusion of light and sound around a room. They have fire-resistant properties and may also accommodate building services such as vents, lighting, sprinkler heads, and so on, as well as conceal other services such as ducts, pipes, and wiring. Ceilings include drywall, plaster, baseboards, and molding. The standards are focused on two primary deficiencies – (1) holes and (2) bulging or buckling/unstable surfaces. Cosmetic issues such as peeling paint are not included under this standard. If there are possible lead-based paint hazards, they should be evaluated under the lead paint standards.

Def# Deficiency Severity Repair Due HCV Rating
1 Ceiling has an unstable surface Moderate 30 Days Fail
1 Ceiling has signs of structural failure (cracking, small circles, blisters, or nail pops) Moderate 30 Days Fail
2 Ceiling has a hole that opens directly to the outside environment Moderate 30 Days Fail
2 Ceiling has a hole 2in. or more in diameter Moderate 30 Days Fail
3 Ceiling has sagging or dropping materials Severe 24 Hours** Fail
3 Ceiling component(s) is not functionally adequate Severe 24 Hours** Fail

**HCV/PBV Correction Timeframe for this standard is 30 Days

Ceiling Standard V3.0, Updated 8/11/23

Revision: 12
Last modified: 9 December 2023


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