The building’s wall covering refers to any material on the building envelope regardless of age, type of construction, or use and purpose of the structure. The standards for building wall coverings relate to the essential function of exterior walls: to provide security and prevent moisture from entering the building. The basic standards include the following:

  1. Missing sections greater than a square foot.
  2. Holes in the exterior wall that penetrate the wall and create the possibility for water infiltration
  3. Peeling paint on any one wall that exceeds 10 square feet.
  4. Damage to the building’s exterior walls that can result in serious structural failure, which includes:
    1. Cracked masonry walls or warped wooden siding.
    2. Signs of deterioration of the vertical load (e.g., wall buckling or bowing).
    3. Window or door that is out of plumb and does not fit into the frame.
    4. Large holes in the exterior wall.
    5. Any rotting or deteriorating columns.
Def# Deficiency Severity Repair Due HCV Rating
1 Exterior wall with missing section greater than 12×12” Moderate 30 Days Fail
2 Peeling paint on any wall more than 10 S.F. Moderate 30 Days Fail
3 Exterior wall component(s) not functionally adequate Moderate 30 Days Fail
3 Cracked or deteriorated masonry wall Moderate 30 Days Fail
3 Building has large holes in the exterior wall Moderate 30 Days Fail
3 Hole in an exterior wall of any size that completely penetrates the wall Moderate 30 Days Fail

Wall Covering and Finish Standard V3.0 Updated 6/16/23
Wall Covering and Finish Standard V3.0 Updated 8/11/23

Revision: 20
Last modified: 27 November 2023


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