This standard relates to non-fire-rated and non-entry doors on the interior or exterior of the building. On the interior of the building, these are referred to as passage doors, and on the outside, they are referred to as exterior doors. The doors should be inspected to identify damaged, inoperable, or missing components.

Def# Deficiency Severity Repair Due HCV Rating
1 A passage door does not open Moderate 30 Days Fail
2 A passage door component is damaged/missing/inoperble Low 60 Days Pass
3 A closet door component is damaged/missing/inoperble Low 60 Days Pass
4 An exterior door component is damaged or missing (not entry door or fire rated) Moderate 30 Days Fail

Door – General Standard V3.0 Updated 8/11/23

Revision: 13
Last modified: 9 December 2023


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Scott Precourt wrote: Jul 25, 2024


There is no "design requirement" that is part of NSPIRE on the "general doors" standard - so, no -there is no specific kind of locking mechanism or hardware required.

JAMES LEACH wrote: Jul 25, 2024

Do bathroom doors have to have a privacy door lock? Thank you.